Archive | Agency Actions

DHS Projects $39.8 Million Medicaid Shortfall

In a report sent to the Joint Finance Committee at the end of December, the Department of Health Services (DHS) projected a $39.8 million Medicaid shortfall over the next two years. DHS noted this shortfall is less than one percent of the $6.7 billion Medicaid general purpose revenue (GPR) budget for 2019-21. The letter from DHS attributed […]

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Medicaid Budget Projected to End in the Red

On Sept. 30, the Department of Health Services (DHS) submitted an updated projection for the state’s Medicaid budget to the Joint Finance Committee. DHS estimates the Medicaid expenditures will exceed the budget by $21.4 GPR at the end of the 2019-2021 biennium. The main reason cited for the negative projection is a decrease in the […]

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Gov. Evers Issues Executive Order on Prescription Drug Prices

This week, Gov. Tony Evers issued an executive order creating a Task Force on Reducing Prescription Drug Prices. The task force is charged with addressing the rising cost of prescription drugs in Wisconsin, which the executive order says cost Wisconsin residents $1.3 billion in 2019 and costs the state’s Medicaid program $400 million annually. The […]

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Gov. Evers Announces Caregiving Task Force Members

This week, Gov. Tony Evers announced the members appointed to his Task Force on Caregiving. The governor created the task force by executive order in February. The task force is charged with examining strategies to develop the direct care workforce, reduce health care costs for care givers, and increase access and quality of care. The […]

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Gov. Evers Announces Health Care Coverage Partnership

Gov. Tony Evers, the Office of the Commissioner of Insurance and the Department of Health Services announced last week a Health Care Coverage Partnership aimed at boosting health care insurance enrollment, through both the individual market and Medicaid. The Partnership will: Educate consumers by promoting and using insurance agents and navigators. Engage with stakeholders, […]

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JFC Holds Agency Briefing on 2019-21 DHS Budget

The Joint Finance Committee (JFC) has kicked off the budget process in the legislature by holding agency briefings this week. Inviting fewer agencies than usual, JFC heard testimony from six agencies over two days, including the Department of Health Services (DHS). DHS Secretary Andrea Palm’s testimony said Gov. Evers’s budget proposal is “anchored in” Medicaid […]

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Positive Medicaid Budget Projected by End of Current Biennium

On March 29, the Department of Health Services (DHS) submitted an updated projection for the state’s Medicaid budget to the Joint Finance Committee.  DHS estimates the Medicaid budget will end the current 2017-19 biennium with a surplus of $233.9 million GPR. The biennium ends on June 30, 2019. This is an increase of $21.1 million […]

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Evers Issues Medicaid Expansion, Pre-existing Conditions EOs

In some of the first executive actions of his term, Gov. Evers this week signed two executive orders directing state agencies to implement plans for expanding Medicaid and prohibiting pre-existing conditions exclusions in health insurance. Executive Order 3 directs the Department of Health Services (DHS) to develop a plan for expanding Medicaid eligibility. EO 3 […]

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DHS Medicaid Projections Improve

On Dec. 28, the Department of Health Services (DHS) sent the Joint Finance Committee an update on the state’s Medicaid budget that projects Medicaid benefits costs will be below budgeted levels by $212.7 million GPR by the end of 2017-19. In September, DHS had projected a $149 million difference between budgeted and projected expenditure levels […]

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CMS Approves BadgerCare Reform Demonstration Waiver

The federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has approved Wisconsin’s Section 1115 BadgerCare Reform demonstration waiver. The waiver primarily makes changes to the BadgerCare childless adult (CLA) population in the state’s Medicaid program. The changes include: Work requirements. CLAs are required to participate in 80 hours per month of community engagement, including employment, job training, community […]

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